The End of the F***ing World (Netflix) Fidget Review

The End of the F***ing World

With a name like The End of the F***ing World, you’d expect something a little different than the average Netflix offering, and with this show that’s exactly what you get. Apparently based on a comic book by Charles Forsman, the show tells the tale of two angsty teens each in the middle of their own respective identity crisis.

James has trouble feeling empathy for anyone or anything and murders animals. He decides in his rabbit-killing ennui that he’d like to try and kill a human whilst eating lunch alone.

Enter Alyssa, a girl shunned by her emotionally lobotomized mother and weasel of a stepfather. She decides she’s done with normal teenage life — school, popularity, family life — and sees James as the vehicle for her escape, alone and different and just what she thinks she needs. Together they shed their former lives by stealing a car and running as far as they can go.

Bad shit happens from that point forward.

The Good:

  • Watching the two teens grow and with one another is at once joyful and heartbreaking.
  • Bits of delectable dark humor sprinkled in the mix.
  • Reminds you that being a teen isn’t always Twitter rainbows and Facebook sunshine.
  • Dark and funny but manages to feel different and fresh

The Bad:

  • The finale felt rushed.

The End of the F***ing World is an exploration of the ways in which humans, especially teenagers, deal with loss and heartache and things they don’t fully understand at that age. Things like losing a parent to suicide or an absentee coward father. That’s heavy stuff no matter what age you are and The End of the F***ing World doesn’t shy away from such subject matter — instead it embraces it like a passionate first kiss or hug with your first teenage love interest.


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