Wind River Fidget Review

There are some movies and shows you just can't watch more than once a year. American History X, Schindler's List, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest are just a few that come to mind. Now you can safely put Wind River in the same sentence as those aforementioned pieces, and that's not a bad … Continue reading Wind River Fidget Review

Peaky Blinders (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

Very loosely based on an actual well-dressed English street gang in the late 1800's (though the show takes place in the early 1900's) Peaky Blinders tells the tale of the Shelby family and their criminal aspirations. We're talking everything from "protection" and blackmail to deceit and secret selling. It's your typical criminal stuff but it … Continue reading Peaky Blinders (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

The Gunslinger: The Dark Tower I (Novel) Fidget Review

The Gunslinger is the first book of The Dark Tower series, a seven-book cycle penned by Stephen King. And it's been around for a very long time. I, however, finally just got around to finishing it and like another piece of entertainment I wrote a review on this week, it's making me wonder what the … Continue reading The Gunslinger: The Dark Tower I (Novel) Fidget Review

Black Mirror (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

Consisting only of 3 episodes, the first season of Black Mirror packs one heck of a punch. The show takes on an anthology format, enlisting new actors to paint a different picture with each episode -- and boy, that picture is almost always bleak and extremely thought-provoking. Most episodes explore the dangers of technological dread … Continue reading Black Mirror (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition Fidget Review (Two Decades Later)

Almost two decades after its initial release in 1999, I've finally played through this vaunted RPG, and it's most definitely left a mark. Planescape: Torment (Enhanced Edition) is the one game I would invite a video game detractor to play. It plays like a very well-written (I can't emphasize this point enough!) graphic novel in … Continue reading Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition Fidget Review (Two Decades Later)