
My name is James Firneno and I’m an avid writer, reader and consumer of entertainment. Fidget Reviews, and the Firnenoverse, will serve as a hub for reviews and fake news. You can expect reviews of your favorite games (video, board, card, etc.), movies, books and music as well as things like candy and limited edition items and gadgetry. Keep an eye on the Fake News section for the latest breaking news — this is important stuff, people! If you enjoy the content, please spread the word and follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well as right here on this site, my castle in the cloud.

I hold a BA in English and my short story The Rabbit Hole was published by Ligature Marks magazine and Nefarious Muse in 2009, and is available on Amazon Kindle here.

*All copy is written by James Firneno.* Chauncey B, Brianne, and Nick Beard are fictional writers and exist only in my imagination. The opinions within the fake news pieces do not necessarily align with my own.