Blade Runner 2049 Fidget Review

Blade Runner 2049 paints a very grim, rainy picture of the near future -- filled with extremely lifelike AI companions, flying cars, product advertisements that quite literally invade your personal space, and a race of hyper-repressed robots programmed for complete obedience, called replicants. Ryan Gosling plays Officer K, one such replicant. His job is to … Continue reading Blade Runner 2049 Fidget Review

What We Do In The Shadows Fidget Review

Okay, okay, this released way back in 2014 but I just happened upon it the other night, and by the Lord of Darkness, I'm so glad I did. What We Do in the Shadows is a mockumentary about a group of vampires living as flatmates in New Zealand and their struggle to blend into normal … Continue reading What We Do In The Shadows Fidget Review

New Details Emerge Around The Next Next Avengers Film

by Nick Beard January 8, 2018 Avengers: Infinity War is still four months away but details have already started to emerge around the next Avengers film, courtesy of the lead key grip of all the previous comic book films, who wished to remain anonymous. "It's going to be amazing, man," our source said, while surreptitiously … Continue reading New Details Emerge Around The Next Next Avengers Film

Baby Driver Fidget Review

Like a botched bank robbery, I'm not sure what the hell went wrong here. Baby Driver has all the makings of a good piece of crime drama under the hood but ultimately fails to deliver a coherent, or even capable, movie. Edgar Wright has vision, I'll give him that. The movie is full of vibrant … Continue reading Baby Driver Fidget Review

Best Movies of 2017!

Narrowing down the best movies of the year didn't pose much of a challenge. I didn't grow up on comic books and seeing as Hollywood is still in the middle of an intense love affair with the genre, it's largely kept me out of the theaters for the past decade or so. My main problem … Continue reading Best Movies of 2017!

The Last Jedi Fidget Review (2nd Viewing)

With my head canon and expectations effectively out of the way, I approached my second viewing of The Last Jedi in a different fashion than the first. I settled into my comfortable leather theater seat with more of an open, positive mindset and reminded myself to enjoy the ride, even though it does not line … Continue reading The Last Jedi Fidget Review (2nd Viewing)

The Last Jedi Fidget Review (1st Viewing)

The Last Jedi is a special beast -- as special as the nipply sea beast that willingly supplies Luke with that magical green coffee he enjoys so much (see: his facial expression after he drinks it). It's different, it's surprising and it's kind of repulsive all at once. The new space adventure takes place soon … Continue reading The Last Jedi Fidget Review (1st Viewing)