A Perfect Circle – Eat the Elephant Fidget Review

A Perfect Circle isn't trying to mince words on Eat the Elephant, their first wholly original effort since 2003, nor are they trying to hide the fact that Elephant drips with political verse and imagery -- from the on-the-nose cover and title it should come as no surprise to anyone giving this badboy a listen. … Continue reading A Perfect Circle – Eat the Elephant Fidget Review

Trump Drops Savage Diss Track ‘Finger on the Button’. Your Move, Kim Jong-Un.

by Chauncey Bigbottoms III January 9, 2018 President Trump continues his bid for world domination by releasing "Finger on the Button", the first single on his surprise debut album Drain the Swamp. Trump, who dubs himself T-Rump in the liner notes of the new record, says he recorded the album over the last two years … Continue reading Trump Drops Savage Diss Track ‘Finger on the Button’. Your Move, Kim Jong-Un.