The Gunslinger: The Dark Tower I (Novel) Fidget Review

The Gunslinger is the first book of The Dark Tower series, a seven-book cycle penned by Stephen King. And it's been around for a very long time. I, however, finally just got around to finishing it and like another piece of entertainment I wrote a review on this week, it's making me wonder what the … Continue reading The Gunslinger: The Dark Tower I (Novel) Fidget Review

The Ritual (Netflix) Fidget Review

What happens when four friends go hiking through the remote mountains of Sweden, as they honor one of their dead mates? The Ritual is a heart-pounding adventure -- especially in its first three-quarters or so -- which explores that very subject matter. And while the last portion of the movie doesn't always hit home, it … Continue reading The Ritual (Netflix) Fidget Review

Blade Runner 2049 Fidget Review

Blade Runner 2049 paints a very grim, rainy picture of the near future -- filled with extremely lifelike AI companions, flying cars, product advertisements that quite literally invade your personal space, and a race of hyper-repressed robots programmed for complete obedience, called replicants. Ryan Gosling plays Officer K, one such replicant. His job is to … Continue reading Blade Runner 2049 Fidget Review

The End of the F***ing World (Netflix) Fidget Review

With a name like The End of the F***ing World, you'd expect something a little different than the average Netflix offering, and with this show that's exactly what you get. Apparently based on a comic book by Charles Forsman, the show tells the tale of two angsty teens each in the middle of their own … Continue reading The End of the F***ing World (Netflix) Fidget Review

Mindhunter (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

To say Mindhunter is a killer show is not only punny -- it's also very true. Created by Joe Penhall and produced by the likes of Charlize Theron and David Fincher, the first season centers around the work of two FBI agents in the early days of criminal psychology (the term "serial killer" hasn't even … Continue reading Mindhunter (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

Ill Will by Dan Chaon Fidget Review

Satanic rituals (alleged), a kid who fancies himself a psychic vampire named Amy, some light incest, and a mysterious mass murder await you within the pages of this masterfully layered and executed novel of perception, deception and the soul-rending anguish only the young and lost can experience. In short, HBO needs to get in touch … Continue reading Ill Will by Dan Chaon Fidget Review