Black Mirror (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

Consisting only of 3 episodes, the first season of Black Mirror packs one heck of a punch. The show takes on an anthology format, enlisting new actors to paint a different picture with each episode -- and boy, that picture is almost always bleak and extremely thought-provoking. Most episodes explore the dangers of technological dread … Continue reading Black Mirror (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

The Ritual (Netflix) Fidget Review

What happens when four friends go hiking through the remote mountains of Sweden, as they honor one of their dead mates? The Ritual is a heart-pounding adventure -- especially in its first three-quarters or so -- which explores that very subject matter. And while the last portion of the movie doesn't always hit home, it … Continue reading The Ritual (Netflix) Fidget Review

What We Do In The Shadows Fidget Review

Okay, okay, this released way back in 2014 but I just happened upon it the other night, and by the Lord of Darkness, I'm so glad I did. What We Do in the Shadows is a mockumentary about a group of vampires living as flatmates in New Zealand and their struggle to blend into normal … Continue reading What We Do In The Shadows Fidget Review

What the Hell Did I Just Read Fidget Review

What The Hell Did I Just Read is the third book in the series beginning with the equally trippy cosmic horror novel John Dies at the End, which I lovingly refer to as the Soy Sauce series. It follows the adventures of John, David and Amy in a town full of happenings straight out of … Continue reading What the Hell Did I Just Read Fidget Review

A God in the Shed Fidget Review: A God of Hate and Death(!)

A God in the Shed by J-F Dubeau The novel takes place in a small town in Canada, where an evil god is dwelling, murder is commonplace and your neighbor is probably a necromancer, serial killer, or 100-year old cult member or any combination of the three. The two younger protagonists discover this at their … Continue reading A God in the Shed Fidget Review: A God of Hate and Death(!)