The Punisher (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

It's difficult for most shows to maintain their momentum over the course of 13 episodes, and while The Punisher does have moments that feel a bit flat, Jon Bernthal's performance as Frank Castle aka "The Punisher" is razor sharp and carries the show even at its lowest points. He brings the proper amount of torment … Continue reading The Punisher (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

New Details Emerge Around The Next Next Avengers Film

by Nick Beard January 8, 2018 Avengers: Infinity War is still four months away but details have already started to emerge around the next Avengers film, courtesy of the lead key grip of all the previous comic book films, who wished to remain anonymous. "It's going to be amazing, man," our source said, while surreptitiously … Continue reading New Details Emerge Around The Next Next Avengers Film