The Punisher (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

It's difficult for most shows to maintain their momentum over the course of 13 episodes, and while The Punisher does have moments that feel a bit flat, Jon Bernthal's performance as Frank Castle aka "The Punisher" is razor sharp and carries the show even at its lowest points. He brings the proper amount of torment … Continue reading The Punisher (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

Mindhunter (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review

To say Mindhunter is a killer show is not only punny -- it's also very true. Created by Joe Penhall and produced by the likes of Charlize Theron and David Fincher, the first season centers around the work of two FBI agents in the early days of criminal psychology (the term "serial killer" hasn't even … Continue reading Mindhunter (Netflix) Season 1 Fidget Review